Wednesday, December 26, 2012

PiLab - A network lab for teaching System Administrators.

I'm getting fired up about the idea of creating an inexpensive computer lab aimed at teaching System Administration.  The creation of the Raspberry Pi and the availability of some inexpensive but rootable home routing hardware and USB power control make it possible to design and implement an environment for students to learn and break things.

There have been interminable round-and-round discussions in the Sysadmin community formed by the USENIX LISA SIG and LOPSA over the last two decades and so far few have come to any lasting result. (The LOPSA Mentorship Program is one that's excellent and ongoing and I encourage you to look at it both as a guide and a learner).  I have no idea if this will be any more successful or enduring, but at least it's different. I'm willing to throw it against the wall and see if it sticks.

So I've created a Github project to collect and track ideas.  At first they'll be my ideas but I know I can't do this myself so I'd really love contributions of ideas and work.  I'll need sysadmins of all stripes as well as writers editors and educators to help.

With lots of hope and trepidation I'd like to introduce...

- Mark


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